Never vote for the best candidate. Vote for the one who will do the least harm. - Frank Dane

The question I ask today is why Nikki Haley is still a candidate? My first thought is, she has nothing to lose. She has already lost it so why not hang on; the big donors are paying for it. Ron DeSantis who came in second in the New Hampshire race was wise enough to realize it was over for him. He bowed out and saved his eligibility for the future. Yes, he was out of money, and that helped make his decision easier. DeSantis was wise enough "to know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em."
You ask, "What did she lose?" That is an easy one to answer. Haley has lost her credibility, especially with the Trump voters. By hanging in there and campaigning when the handwriting is on the wall; there is no lane for you to win the GOP nomination. By continuing to spar with Trump and staying on the attack she makes herself weaker as a candidate. Haley relies on the hope that Trump will falter, be indicted and convicted, or be forced out of the race.
Nikki Haley has nothing to lose because she has donors who keep replenishing the coffers. That may come to a screeching halt soon but remains to be seen. Conventional wisdom informs us that her time is up after she gets trounced in her own state, South Carolina. I am not going to bet on Haley bowing out after South Carolina because she has the cash to fight on, for what I'm not sure, but never underestimate someone's desire for power.

I have attached a piece by Austin Alonzo from The Epoch Times that delves into some of Haley's donors. You may find it interesting but what I found most interesting was the comments by readers at the end of the article. I am always gratified when people comment and let their insight shine.
1. Alonzo, Austin, 'Never Trump' Billionaires Lead Nikki Haley's 2023 Fundraising, The Epoch Times, February 9, 2024,