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Why Do Muslims Hate Jews?


Updated: Oct 13, 2023

“If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more ‎violence. If the Jews put ‎down their weapons ‎today, there would be no ‎more Israel‎” ― Benjamin Netanyahu

Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi meets with Republican Senator John McCain, at the Presidential Palace in Cairo Egypt, January 16. Op-ed Contributor Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes: In the wake of the Arab Spring' the people want to see their ideals turned into policy. For too of those ideals is the end of peace with Israel. The United States must make clear to Morsi that this is not an option.
Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi meets with Republican Senator John McCain, at the Presidential Palace in Cairo Egypt, January 16. Op-ed Contributor Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes: In the wake of the Arab Spring' the people want to see their ideals turned into policy. For too of those ideals is the end of peace with Israel. The United States must make clear to Morsi that this is not an option.

There has been much speculation and discussion about why so many Muslims hate Jews. Many say the start of the animosity began with Abraham's two sons, Isaac and Ishmael, or Isaac's two sons, Jacob and Esau. The two groups of brothers did not hate each other, even with their differences.

“And the L‑rd spoke to Abraham: ‘Go for yourself from your land, from your birthplace and from the house of your father, to the land that I will show you.’”
“And the L‑rd spoke to Abraham: ‘Go for yourself from your land, from your birthplace and from the house of your father, to the land that I will show you.’”

The immense hatred of the Jews began in the time of Mohammed, by Mohammed, and it is alleged that Allah gave the command for it. This admonition is continued by Mohammed's followers to this day. 1

A further quote from the Quran is as follows:

1. The Qur’anic data
Q. 5:60 Say (O Muhammad to the people of the Scripture): "Shall I inform you of something worse than that, regarding the recompense from Allah: those (Jews) who incurred the Curse of Allah and His Wrath, those of whom (some) He transformed into monkeys and swines, those who worshipped Taghut (false deities); such are worse in rank (on the Day of Resurrection in the Hellfire), and far more astray from the Right Path." 2

From the quote above, we see where the slur of transformation from monkeys and pigs originates.

Now consider this indoctrination of Muslim teaching:

"For far too long, the pervasive Middle Eastern qualification of Jews as murderers and bloodsuckers was dismissed in the West as an extreme view expressed by radical fringe groups. But it is not.

All over the Middle East, hatred for Jews and Zionists can be found in textbooks for children as young as 3, complete with illustrations of Jews with monster-like qualities. Mainstream educational television programs are consistently anti-Semitic. In songs, books, newspaper articles, and blogs, Jews are variously compared to pigs, donkeys, rats, and cockroaches, and also to vampires and a host of other imaginary creatures.

Consider this infamous dialogue between a 3-year-old and a television presenter eight years before Mr. Morsi’s remarks.

learn short surahs from holy quran for muslim kids and adults with translation: Textbook for Muslim Boys and Girls. Surahs Easy To Memorize for Prayer ( Arabic-English )
learn short surahs from holy quran for muslim kids and adults with translation: Textbook for Muslim Boys and Girls. Surahs Easy To Memorize for Prayer ( Arabic-English )

Presenter: “Do you like Jews?”

3-year-old: “No.”

“Why don’t you like them?”

“Jews are apes and pigs.”

“Who said this?”

“Our God.”

“Where did he say this?”

“In the Koran.”

The presenter responds approvingly: “No [parents] could wish for Allah to give them a more believing girl than she ... May Allah bless her, her father, and mother.”

This conversation was not caught on hidden camera or taped by propagandists. It was featured on a prominent program called “Muslim Woman Magazine” and broadcast by Iqraa, the popular Saudi-owned satellite channel." 7

Dr. Roark goes on to explain why Mohammed placed this curse on the Jews.

This story involves Moses and the Exodus from Egypt and the grumbling of the people for food. This happened about 2000 years before the time of Mohammed. Judgment did take place on the unbelievers who were not allowed into the Promised Land and who died in the wandering in the wilderness. Why should this story be resurrected and used to accuse the Jews in Mohammed’s time? That is irrational. The Jews in Medina did not believe Mohammed because he did not fit the demands of a prophet. For them to accept a false prophet would have been to reject their own revelation from Yahweh who did perform great miracles in rescuing the people from slavery in Egypt. Remember, Mohammed did no miracles! 3

One must understand that the Jewish rejection of the prophethood of Mohammed deeply affected him. Mohammed wanted to be accepted as a prophet, and his pride could not stand the rejection. 4

From the Chabad Website, we have the qualifications for becoming a profit according to the Rambam.

Prophecy is bestowed only upon a very wise sage of a strong character who is never overcome by his natural inclinations in any regard. Instead, with his mind, he overcomes his natural inclinations at all times. He must [also] possess a broad and correct perspective. A person who is full of all these qualities and is physically sound [is fit for prophecy].
These characteristics do not themselves bring prophecy but remove obstacles that a prophet might face were he to lack them.
Prophecy is not acquired in a short time or without great
Arron Ha Kohan, High Priest of Israel
Arron Ha Kohan, High Priest of Israel


When he enters the Pardes [the realm of spiritual knowledge] and is drawn into these great and sublime concepts, if he possesses a correct perspective to comprehend and grasp [them], he will become holy. He will advance and separate himself from the masses who proceed in the darkness of the time. He must continue and diligently train himself not to have any thoughts whatsoever about fruitless things or the vanities and intrigues of the times.
This is because prophecy is not acquired in a short time or without great effort. 5

For a list of the Jewish prophets, see this page: 6

Men and women are prophets in the Jewish Religion.

"Whoever studies the nature of the conflict between the Muslims and the Jews understands an important fact, [namely that] this is a religious conflict, not a dispute about politics or nationality, or a conflict between races or tribes, or a fight over land or country, as some describe it," states Saudi textbook Studies from the Muslim World. 8

Certain factions of Muslims have learned the lessons of the Natzies. If you take control of young minds, they can be bent to your ideology. They can be indoctrinated to believe your set of facts, and they will respond to your commands as adults. Some will be willing to die for Allah with a wonderful reward in heaven. Hate is a powerful tool.


1. Roark, PhD., Dallas M., Answering Islam, A Christian - Muslim Dialog,,

2. Ibid

3. Ibid

4. Ibid

5. Maimon, Rabbi Moshe ben, (Maimonides), adapted by Eliyahu Touger,, Kabballah Online, Becoming a Prophet, The Rambam describes the nature of prophecy. , *

7. Hirsi Ali, Ayaan, Why Middle East Muslims are taught to hate Jews, The Christian Science Monitor, January 24, 2013,

8. Roark, PhD., Dallas M., Answering Islam, A Christian - Muslim Dialog,,

* Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon 'Maimonides', known as the Rambam, from the acronym of his name Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon; 4895-4964 (1135-1204 CE). Physician and Torah scholar originally from Cordoba, Spain, but who fled from persecution to North Africa, passing through Morocco and eventually settling in Egypt. Known for his works of Jewish law and philosophy works, Mishna Torah and Guide to the Perplexed, he also commanded kabbala, though he did not overtly present this knowledge in his works.



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Meet your blogger editor, Abe Glaser. My objective with this blog is to point out some facts that the Main Stream Media leaves out, clear up some misconceptions, and provide some food for thought. You get to decide.


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