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Why Are The Jews Hated So Much?

Issac and Jacob
Issac and Jacob

Before we try to answer this question, let's define the word covenant. A covenant can be made between two or more people who agree to a specific set of circumstances. In the bible, covenants were made between God and Noah, God and Abraham, and God and Moses. The first two did not work out.

As I understand it, God was looking for a people he could bless and guide. God offered his blessings if the people, nation, or tribe would uphold these rules, laws, and precepts in the covenant. All the nations but one refused to abide by the doctrine of the covenant except for one nation. The Jews embraced the covenant and enjoyed the blessings of God unless they strayed from God's commandments.

If you are not aware of the history of the covenants, you might like to read this rendition of them. 1

Glenn Beck has an article that tries to answer the question in his article, The REAL reason why the Jewish people have always faced HATE. 2

Beck offers these possible reasons Jews are hated so much:

  • One, Jews are hated because they're an inferior race.

  • Jews are hated because they possess too much wealth and power.

  • Jews are hated because they're different from everyone else.

  • The Jews are hated because they're the cause of all the world's problems.

  • The Jews are hated because they killed Jesus Christ. 3

Beck also offers this, "The Jewish people know who they are. They're the children of Israel. They are from the Promised Land. They are God's chosen people." 4 God told the Jewish Nation they must be a light unto the world. What does that mean? I offer a quote here from Rabbi Zev Leff:

Reading from a Torah scroll
Reading from a Torah scroll

Jewish law consistently exhorts us to act in a way which will effect a sanctification of the Divine Name, and thereby brings us respect as a holy and upright people. We are forbidden to desecrate God's Name by giving non-Jews reason to castigate us for conduct unbefitting a holy nation (see Code of Jewish Law CM 266 regarding returning lost articles to a non-Jew). Sanctification of God's Name is a facet of the Mitzvah of love of God. Maimonides in Sefer HaMitzvos writes that this Mitzvah includes an imperative to call out to all mankind to serve God and acknowledge Him. 5

A side note here: The definition of a mitzvah is a commandment. Jews look at a good deed as a mitzvah.

Let's clear up something that makes me wonder what non-Jews are thinking. I have heard the saying, "he/she looks Jewish." This has always made me wonder; what is the Jewish look? Judaism is a religion, not a race. You can be born a Jew or even convert to Judaism, but there are no distinguishing physical features where you can positively identify as a Jew. There are people all over the world who practice the religion of Judaism who are different colors, sizes, and shapes. There are Eratrayan Jews, Chinese Jews, and Jews in Africa. They look different and speak different languages. You need not pray in Hebrew to be a Jew. You can pray in your own language. God understands. The main thing the Jews have in common is that they worship one God and observe the laws in His Torah.

Here are ten lies from an article by Ambassador Ron Dermer:

Ambassador Rom Dermer
Ambassador Rom Dermer

  1. Israel is trying to change the status quo on the Temple Mount.

  2. Israel seeks to destroy al-Aqsa mosque

  3. A recent surge in settlement construction has caused the current wave of destruction.

  4. President Abbas says that Israel "executed" the innocent Palestinian Ahmed Manasra.

  5. Israel uses excessive force in dealing with terrorist attacks.

  6. The current violence is the result of the stagnation of the peace process.

  7. President Abbas is the voice of moderation.

  8. International action is required to enforce the status quo on the Temple Mount.

  9. The reason the conflict and the violence persist is because the Palestinians don't have a state.

  10. Palestinian terrorism is the consequence of Palestinian frustration. 6

Ambassador Demer answers each of the accusations in the article from The Israel Forever Foundation. Be sure to read it if you want to know the truth. 7

There are more lies the terrorists use to incite the Palestinians to kill Jews. Hamas and Hezbollah claim the Jews are descended from monkeys and apes. Another lie is that the Jews use the blood of Muslim children in the baking of the ceremonial matza used at Passover. Another claim is that the birthright of the land should have gone to the older brother.

Sometimes the only real reason for hate is that these are the facts you were taught as a child, and you continue to believe them even though the truth stares you in the face, or as Lil' Wayne said, " It's just a little thing called jealousy."


  1. Editorial Staff, What Is the Mosaic Covenant? Bible Meaning Explained,, June 4, 2021,

  2. Beck, Glenn, The REAL reason why the Jewish people have always faced HATE, The Glenn Beck Rado Show, November 16, 2023,

  3. Ibid

  4. Ibid

  5. Leff, Rabbi Zev, Light Unto the Nations, Outlooks & Insights, Bo (Exodus 10:1-13:16 ),

  6. Dermer, Ambassador Ron, Ten Deadly Lies About Israel, The Israel Forever Foundation, Ron Dermer is Israel’s Ambassador to the United States.

  7. Ibid



President Donald J. Trump
Presiden Joe Biden
Abe Denise & Leesa Hagen (2)_edited.jpg

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Meet your blogger editor, Abe Glaser. My objective with this blog is to point out some facts that the Main Stream Media leaves out, clear up some misconceptions, and provide some food for thought. You get to decide.


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