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Who is Merrick Garland, and What Is He Up To?


Only a fool pokes a mama bear, but that’s Merrick Garland for you. The attorney general, thought to be such a moderate that 20 Republicans confirmed his nomination, turns out to be a radical ideologue hellbent on targeting President Biden’s political foes. Miranda Devine

Merrick Garland and Barrack Obama
Merrick Garland and Barrack Obama

In order for me to understand Merrick Garland, I looked for a resume that was thorough and, hopefully, unbiased. Unfortunately, I picked Wikipedia, which I seldom do because it is biased in favor of liberal views. Keeping the bias in mind, I read through most of the information and found some interesting facts about our attorney general. If you want t to know more about General Garland, I refer you to this entry in Wikipedia 1

Attorney General Garland was born in 1952 in Chicago. I had just graduated from high school and was preparing for San Diego State College. The college has since become a part of the University of California. Garland’s family came from Western Russia, Poland, and Ukraine, as many immigrants had sought to escape antisemitic programs. The Family name was changed from Garfinkel upon emigrating to the U.S. Young Merrick was raised as a Conservative Jew. This designation does not connote family politics. Conservat ve refers to the spectrum of observance of the Jewish religion. Orthodox being the most observant and Reformed being the least observant. The Conservative faction falls in the middle. Why am I telling you all this? My family came from Latvia and Lithuania for the same reasons, and I was raised the same way. Why am I different from Merrick Garland?

Merrick Garland was raised in liberal Chicago by liberal Jews. Richard M Daley was the Democrat mayor of Chicago from 1955-1976. Some of y you might know that Daley and the unions ruled Chicago with an iron fist. It seems logical that the politics of the area influenced Garland. Garland attended Harvard and graduated with an A.B. suma cum lade, and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. The next achievement was attending and graduating from Harvard Law School in 1977 as a Juris Doctor magna cum laude and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. While attending Harvard Law, Garland worked as a member of the Harvard Law Review. During that time, Garland also worked as a law clerk for Justice William Brennan, another arrow in his quiver to be nominated for the Supreme Court. Garland worked on the role of state constitutions in safeguarding individual rights. As Joe Biden would say, “This is not a joke.”

It is evident from everything he achieved that Merrick Garland was brilliant, a hard worker, and was going places. Garland’s associations and employment were on the liberal or Democrat side of politics. He worked his way up the judicial ladder and checked all the liberal Democrat boxes.

Garland faced opposition from the Republicans in the Senate when he was nominated for the U.S. Court of Appeals but was eventually confirmed 76-23. Judge Garland was billed as a moderate.

Skip to his nomination to the Supreme Court by then-President Barrack Obama. Garland was

Judge Merrick Garland
Judge Merrick Garland

up for review for Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat on the Supreme Court. This appointment did not bode well for the Republicans since this would swing the majority of the court in favor of the Democrats. Since Republicans controlled the majority in the Senate, Mich McConnell refused to bring the matter up for a vote until the next election hoping a Republican would be elected President and nominate a conservative justice. McConnell took a lot of heat from Democrats and the media for this, but he did not budge. As it turned out, Trump won the presidency and nominated Neil Gorsuch, who was confirmed as the next Justice of the Supreme Court. You can imagine how Merrick Garland and Barrack Obama felt about being shut out of their great triumph.

We all have an opinion of Merrick Garland. However, please read about how the media portrayed him.

“Garland is considered a judicial moderate and a centrist.[48] Garland has been described by Nina Totenberg and Carrie Johnson of NPR as “a moderate liberal, with a definite pro-prosecution bent in criminal cases.” [3]Tom Goldstein, the publisher of SCOTUSblog, wrote in 2010 that “Judge Garland’s record demonstrates that he is essentially the model, neutral judge. He is acknowledged by all to be brilliant. His opinions avoid unnecessary, sweeping pronouncements.” [23] Garland has a reputation for collegiality, and his opinions rarely draw a dissent.[49] As of 2016, Garland had written just fifteen dissents in his two decades on the court, fewer than his colleague Brett Kavanaugh, who wrote some 17 dissents over the previous decade.[49]2

A definition of collegiality is Shared power and authority among colleagues.

The Main Stream Media portrayed Merrick Garland as a moderate, fair, and neutral judge. It seemed that they would place him right up there with Lady “Blind” Justice herself. We humble butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers knew nothing of Merrick Garland and went about our business without a care in the world. Little did we know what was in store for us and the country.

Merrick Garland Worked for the Justice Department during the Clinton Administration. “As principal associate deputy U.S. attorney general from 1994, Garland oversaw several major domestic terrorism prosecutions, including that of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols for the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, which killed 168 people. Garland also supervised the prosecution of the so-called Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, who conducted a 17-year bombing campaign in the United States that left 3 people dead and 29 injured.” 3

After becoming President, Joe Biden nominated Garland to be his attorney general. Vowing to combat the “extremist attacks on our democratic institutions,” Garland was confirmed by a vote of 70-30 by the Democrat-controlled Senate on March 10, 2021.

Merrick Garland kept his word. He has gone after the people who entered the Capitol with a

Ashli Babbitt
Ashli Babbitt

vengeance. Using face recognition, license plate numbers, phone numbers, and embedded FBI agents in the crowd, The AG has accomplished its goal of arresting citizens for excising their rights as citizens to petition the government with their grievances. Yes, I must admit some fools took it too far by breaking glass and shoving through to get inside the Capital building, but most of the people were

Lt. Michael Byrd
Lt. Michael Byrd

peaceful and were welcomed into the building by the Capital Police. There are a lot of videos to prove it. Plainclothes Lt. Michael Byrd of the Capitol Police did the only killing. He shot and killed Ashli Babbitt, a former Air Force veteran who was unarmed.

The lying media reported that a Capitol Police officer was killed by the rioters. This is a lie that is still being run on Internet searches. Check out the Daily Beast. Officer Brian Sicknick died the next day of a heart attack. 4

January6, 2021
January 6, 2021

Merrick Garland has gone all over the country using the FBI to ferret out anyone who had anything to do with the January 6 riot. It makes no difference if you did or did not enter the Capitol Building. Even older people are fair game. We are told by Fox News and Newsmax, among other news outlets, that The Department of Justice and the FBI have been weaponized to go after pro-Trump people. This has happened under Merrick Garland’s watch.

We need not hash over the gory details of the Trump indictments here. You have heard all the accusations ad infinitum on the news. Former president Donald Trump has been indicted three times and is looking at a fourth indictment in Atlanta. The charges are trumped up and probably unsupportable. The charges are not important. It depends on the judge in each case. Do they hate Donald Trump so much that they are willing to ignore the law, convict him, and imprison him so he will be hampered to run for President in 2024? That is what the brilliance of Merrick Garland has orchestrated.

Think about what is going on in this Merrick Garland’s mind. “I didn’t get my dream of being on the Supreme Court, but I will go down in history as the architect who destroyed that SOB Trump so he could not run for president again.” Never mind that the Democrats/Communists are destroying America.

Trump has said it, as have many others. It is essential for “We, the people,” to understand what is going on here. They are after Trump, but he is not their primary objective. The Democrats and their Communist co-conspirators are using Trump as a warning. Do not go against us, or you will face the same consequences as Trump. If Trump goes down, so can you. The January 6 protesters are just a taste of what is to come.

Why are Merrick Garland and the power brokers in the Democrat Party doing this? The answer could be another blog, but the short version is accessible. The Democrats, deep state non-elected bureaucrats, the media, TV, radio, print, films, and music are desperate to hold on to their power and money. The war industry and the Pentagon are part of this, as is Black Rock and Vanguard, K Street, the advertisers, China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and lord knows who else. If Trump tears down this house of cards, the ramifications will go beyond the Biden Crime Family. Methinks it reaches the Clintons, George Soros, and Barrack Obama.

1 Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia, Merrick Garland, Article, Talk,

2 Ibid

3 Hollar, Sherman, Merrick Garland American jurist, Britannica, August 2, 2023,

4 Melendez, Pilar, Murillo, Anna Lucia, Lennon, Will, Taylor, Matt, MAGA Mob Kills Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, Iraq War Veteran Defending Congress From Trump Rioters, Daily Beast, CAPITOL RIETS, January 8, 2021,



President Donald J. Trump
Presiden Joe Biden
Abe Denise & Leesa Hagen (2)_edited.jpg

About Me

Meet your blogger editor, Abe Glaser. My objective with this blog is to point out some facts that the Main Stream Media leaves out, clear up some misconceptions, and provide some food for thought. You get to decide.


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