“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

With the attempted assignation of former President Trump, The Democrats have decided to tone down the rhetoric. In my humble opinion, all the lefties including the Main Stream Media or the propaganda arm of the Demo/Commie Party are trying to rachet down but they are still blaming Trump. These operatives can't help themselves. They believe Donald Trump is an existential threat to our democracy, and even though Trump was almost killed, they can't cut him some slack and see the former president for what he represents and what he wants to accomplish if elected.
Donald Trump represents us; we the people of America. Trump regularly tells us he loves us. I think he means it. Donald Trump is not a normal politician. I say he is not a politician but more like a regular guy who made it big and wants to share his abilities with the rest of us.
Some evidence of Trump's modus operandi:
Trump donated his presidential salary to charity
He tried to build the wall on the Southern Border to keep the illegals out.
Trump encouraged drilling for oil and the production of coal. Two fuels that are paramount to making America strong and independent of OPEC, Venezuela, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Russia.
Trump tried to drain the swamp but hired some poor department heads to do it. Trump knows who to put in place now.
There is a lot more that Trump did but most of you know it.

What can the RNC do to help Donald Trump right the ship? The first step is to unite the Party. Trump is working on that. Both Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley are going to speak at the RNC Convention. Someone else that whom Trump needs to make amends is Georgia Governor Brian Kemp. Healing these divisions in the Republican Party will help to finally unify the party and get everyone on the same page.

The Republican Party has been tepid at fighting the Democrats. Many of their elected officials are happy to let the Democrats run the show as long as the politicians get re-elected, stay in power, and make money. Trump needs a solid majority in the House and Senate so he can get his policies enacted. We do not want any more unnecessary executive orders.
Dear reader, you can help. Go vote. Get your friends and relatives to vote. Vote as though your life depends on it; because it does.