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What is the Transgender Movement? What Do They Want?


Updated: Jul 14, 2023

"It's the Holy Spirit's job to convict, God's job to judge, and my job to love." Billy Graham

We see a lot of crazy things on TV these days. Drag Shows, transgender issues, and LGBTQ+ are about 9% of the news programs won't. Most of us want to be left alone, but this cause is being thrust into our faces, and now they are going after our children. This is unacceptable. We must find out what this is all about and stop it if ."

Those of us who read this blog have some knowledge of the Judaeo-Christian Ten Commandments and or the bible or Torah. “Muslim s"society is still strongly patriarchal. Patriarchy, by its nature, extols masculinity.”1 Males spending time together is fine. They might even be walking and holding hands. It's that male-male and female-female relationships should not get intimate. We also note a shift in Catholicism. Pope Francis has relaxed some restrictions on gays recently, and there is a movement to allow priests to marry. The White House flew a gay Pride Flag superseding our "Old Glory."

Am I missing something? Why do we designate a whole month as "Pride Month?" What has the transgender faction done for America? George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Columbus, and Martin Luther King get only one day. Think about their accomplishments.

Before we look at the transgender issue, we need some history to know where the transgender movement is coming from. Otherwise, we are no better than the biased, progressive talking heads on TV.

“We know that homosexuality existed in ancient"Israel simply because it is prohibited in the Bible, whereas it flourished between both men and women in Ancient Greece.” 2

“These realities gradually became known "o the"West via travelers’ diaries, the church records of misstravelers'diplomats’ journals, and in reports by medical anthropologists. Such eyewitness accounts in the era before other media were, of course, riddled with the biases of the (often) Western or White observer and added to beliefs that homosexual practices were other, foreign, savage, a medical issue, or evidence of a lower racial hierarchy“3

“Two-Spirit” people or same-sex love shocked European invaders who objected to any deviation from a limited understanding of “masculine” and “feminine” roles. The European powers enforced their own criminal codes against what was called sodomy in the New World: the first known case of homosexual activity receiving a death sentence in North America occurred in 1566 when the Spanish executed a Frenchman in Florida.”4

When I was a young man in 1952, we began" to hear stories about George Jorgenson, a

World War 11 veteran who wanted to transition to become a woman, Christine Jorgenson. This was unheard of. I do not remember if my mother discussed this with my sister and me. Mother refrained from discussing stories like this due to her strict upbringing. You can read about Christine in this bio by Rebecca Poole5 Christine may not have been the first to trans, but she was all over the news.

What is the origin of the term “drag?” “Drag, which means “dressed as a girl," comes from the Elizabethan period when women were forbidden from performing publicly, so men assumed the role of women.”6 Let us look at drag shows a little differently.

“The analogy I would invite you to think about here is to imagine a little girl in a bikini. She’s 13 years old, in her parent’s private pool. Is it a big problem that she’s wearing a bikini? No, it’s not a big problem. She’s in her parents’ private pool. But if the same girl, in the same bikini, still 13 years old, is walking down a catwalk in a room full of adults, would we all feel uncomfortable? Yes, we all would feel uncomfortable. It’s a completely different thing, and it’s the same when it comes to drag.”7

Now let’s think about the current explosion of drag shows performed sometimes with young children in the audience. Watching exotic, sexual gyrations under the guise of dancing and having fun, drag camouflages the real intent of the show. I wonder what parents are thinking about bringing their children to such an indelible event that can have profound consequences later in life. Do not misunderstand me. I am not against same-sex marriage. That is none of my business. If two people love each other and want to be married or live together, that is the law, and I am fine with it.

"People who are transgender or gender diverse include:

  • Those who have a gender identity that differs from the sex assigned to them at birth.

  • Those whose gender expression doesn't follow society's norms for the sex assigned to them at birth.

  • Those who identify and express their gender outside of the gender binary."8

"IMPORTANT NOTE: It's hard to believe " Our upbringing made us aware of what's really happening, but it is. Male athletes pretend to be females, dominate their sports, and are thereby rapidly destroying women’s competitive sports worldwide. Convicted male criminals suddenly claim to be transgender so they can be confined in a women’s Prison and sexually abuse the female inmates there. Men claiming to be female likewise invade women’s locker rooms, bathrooms, schools, dormitories, sororities, shelters, spas, and social organizations – and in the process steal women’s scholarships, advancement, honors, and myriad other opportunities."9

"So what does it all mean? At root, this isn’t really about people like Thomas. It’s mostly about everybody else. It’s all about changing you and your self-concept. As fringy as they may sound, injecting such lies into our language—“the pregnant man” and the push to separate the word “pregnancy” from the word “woman”—are clear signals that we are moving steadily towards erasing all gender distinctions in the law."10

"It’s About Control, Not Rights

The transgender movement has strong totalitarian overtones that Americans (especially certain senators) don’t fully understand. How else to describe a crusade with such far-reaching consequences for First Amendment rights? The legal destruction of gender distinctions will inevitably dissolve family autonomy, thereby uprooting freedom of association. Free expression becomes “hate speech” if one doesn’t fall into line with the directives of the transgender lobby or its pronoun protocol. Freedom of religion takes a direct hit any way you look at it.

Once we allow the State to refuse to recognize that children result from the male-female union, we grant the State more power to separate us from our children.

And there can be no doubt that the legalization of polygamy would result in the abolition of all state-recognized marriages. Polygamy — repackaged in the now trendy term “polyamory” – comes with an array of configurations too dizzying and with too many moving parts to be sustained as state-recognized marriage.

Supposedly conservative gay activists like Jonathan Rauch have also run cover and protected the timing of the agenda by claiming that the manifesto was merely a “fringe” of the LGBT movement. It’s irrelevant whether or not Rauch really believes his own propaganda that gay marriage will somehow strengthen a marriage culture by bringing loving gay couples into it. The main effect of the Rauch meme is to accelerate the abolition of civil marriage by hastening a legal framework for genderless marriage that will pave the way for the total abolition of civil marriage and, with it private family life.

That’s exactly right. There is a huge difference between people who struggle with their gender identity and people who are LGBT activists. Most people who suffer from gender dysphoria are not activists, and many of them reject the activists’ claims. Many of them may be regarded as victims of the activists.

"I tell the story of one clinic in Canada in particular where this took place. They are suing Catholic hospitals for declining to perform sex-reassignment surgeries. They go after anyone who expresses any reservation at social transition for 5-year-olds and puberty blockers for 9-year-olds. They accuse feminists—even lesbians—of being “transphobic” for not wanting people with penises in their locker rooms. And the activists are entirely out of step with ordinary people, including ordinary people with gender dysphoria and who identify as trans. I’ve met with people who identify as trans who hate the professional activists, who say that they don’t speak for them."11

"Transgender Ideology Is Riddled With Contradictions. Here Are the Big Ones.

  • They say that gender is purely a social construct, while asserting that a person can be “trapped” in the wrong gender.

  • They say there are no meaningful differences between men and women, yet they rely on rigid sex stereotypes to argue that “gender identity” is real while human embodiment is not.

  • They claim that truth is whatever a person says it is, yet they believe there’s a real self to be discovered inside that person.

  • They promote a radical expressive individualism in which people are free to do whatever they want and define the truth however they wish, yet they try ruthlessly to enforce acceptance of transgender ideology.12

"Activists know their claims can’t stand up to scrutiny. The movement has to keep patching

and shoring up its own beliefs, policing the faithful, coercing the heretics, and punishing apostates because as soon as its furious efforts flag for a moment or someone successfully stands up to it, the whole charade is exposed. That's what happens when your dogmas are so contrary to obvious, basic, everyday truths.

All of which suggests that the transgender moment won’t be around forever. A transgender future isn't the "right side of history." And yet, the activists persist—and have convinced the most powerful sectors of our society to acquiesce to their demands. While the claims they make are manifestly false, it will take real work to prevent the spread of these harmful ideas.

The transgender moment may turn out to be fleeting, but that doesn't mean we should expect it to fade away on its own. We need to insist on telling the truth and on preventing lives from being irreparably damaged." 13

"Iwan Stone states, I was a confused teenage boy who had transgender surgery to become a woman aged 19; it 'destroyed' my life... four years later, I'm back being a man." 14 The story of Iwan Stone is very moving. At age 19, he was convinced he should transition to be a woman. The doctors convinced him in thirty minutes to transition all the way. Stone went through all the surgeries and drugs.

Eventually, Stone began to have second thoughts and realized he was in love with his girlfriend and roommate. They wanted to marry. Stone reversed all he could. This included the removal of the breast implants. Iwan lamented the fact that he would never be able to father a child because of the removal of his penis and testicles. This is a sad story, but it is becoming more common as more trans people realize they made a mistake.

Transgender activists have made it clear: they are coming for the children. There is tremendous money involved in transgender conversion from drugs to surgery. Some in the medical community have embraced the profits and gone all in with the big score. Americans are fighting back against the Trans activists. Mothers are protesting against drag shows and pornographic books. Fathers are fighting for sanity in schools and governments. Citizens are exercising their God-given rights to Free speech. Here are some examples of parents' pushback:

We all know about the debacle of Bud Light beer and Dylan Mulvaney. This is a total disaster for Anheuser Busch.

"One of the promoters of the leftist ideology was Build-A-Bear Workshop. It has a pride collection and promised to donate to support "diversity, equity, and inclusion" campaigns.

"Disney also has a pride collection for children, including Star Wars, Marvel, and The Little Mermaid rainbow-colored

t-shirts," the report said. It is facing the consequence, potentially costly, of stirring up a fight with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis over the state's crackdown on teaching LGBT ideology in public schools. Further, the report said toy company Mattel has a "Pride" collection available for sale of shirts, mugs, and posters. Another activist

organization was Macy's, for selling LGBT-themed Mickey Mouse figures and books promoting "Pride." "Pottery Barn Kids sells a pride-themed family pajama collection." And Gap was offering rainbow-themed T-shirts for children."15 What was Target thinking with its collection of rainbow-styled kid's merchandise aimed at the very young?

For a very large list of transgender-friendly companies, go to this website: The Most transgender-friendly companies in America.

"The transgender movement won't be around forever. A transgender future isn't the "right side of history." And yet, the activists persist—and have convinced the most powerful sectors of our society to acquiesce to their demands. While the claims they make are manifestly false, it will take real work to prevent the spread of these harmful ideas. The transgender moment may turn out to be fleeting, but that doesn't mean we should expect it to fade away on its own. We need to insist on telling the truth and on preventing lives from being irreparably damaged." 16

1Bonnie J. Morris, Ph.D., A brief history of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender social movements, American Psychological Association, July 21, 2017, Last updated: March 16, 2023,




5 Rebecca Poole, From GI Joe to GI Jane: Christine Jorgensen's Story, WW11 The National WW11 Museum, New Orleans,

6 Madeleine Kearns, The Origins of the Transgender Movement, Heritage Foundation summit, National Review, October 14, 2019,

7 Madeleine Kearns, The Origins of the Transgender Movement, Heritage Foundation summit, National Review, October 14, 2019,

8 Mayo Clinic Staff, About health, Healthy Lifestyle, Mayo Clinic,

9 Ibid

10 What's Behind the Transgender Movement, and Where Is It Going?, Center for Military Readiness, March 20, 2018,

11 Ryan T. Anderson, Q&A: Why the Transgender Movement Can't Sustain Itself, The Daily Signal, February 12, 2018,

12 Ryan T. Anderson, Q&A: Why the Transgender Movement Can't Sustain Itself, The Daily Signal, February 12, 2018,

13 Ibid

15 Bob Unruh, All these companies targeting kids with LGBT insanity, WND A Free Press for a Free People, July 5, 2023,

16 Ryan T. Anderson, Q&A: Why the Transgender Movement Can't Sustain Itself, The Daily Signal, February 12, 2018,



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Meet your blogger editor, Abe Glaser. My objective with this blog is to point out some facts that the Main Stream Media leaves out, clear up some misconceptions, and provide some food for thought. You get to decide.


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