"The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies, it always comes from those you trust the most." - Unknown

Now that the Republican Primary race has moved on to New Hampshire, Nikki Haley has filled up the tank with voters from Chris Christie who has recently dropped out of the presidential race. In addition, there are more donations from LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman and JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon. I assume more cash will come from Americans For Prosperity and the Trump-hating Charles Koch. These folks all have their reasons for wanting Trump out of the Whitehouse but the result is the same. Fund someone else and hope Trump fails to win.
These Mega-donors are purported to be conservative. Perhaps they are Ultra-conservatives.
The elites want to see a bloody, drawn-out fight for the Republican nomination, with Haley continuing to bleed Trump and other actual conservative candidates as the America First movement attempts to reverse the damage they say the GOP’s RINO-wing, Joe Biden and the Democrat Party are inflicting on the country. 1
Senator Rand Paul had this to say on television:

Paul announced in a video, “I’m ready to say something about the presidential race. I’ve had a long relationship with Donald Trump, and there’s a lot to like they’re. I’m also a big fan of a lot of the fiscal conservatism of Ron DeSantis. I think Vivek Ramaswamy has been an important voice. [I] also have listened to and met with the independent Bobby Kennedy. I’m not yet ready to make a decision, but I am ready to make a decision on someone who I cannot support. So I’m announcing this morning that I’m Never Nikki, and if you go to NeverNikki.net, you can let her know that you’re not a supporter, either. I don’t think any informed or knowledgeable libertarian or conservative should support Nikki Haley. I’ve seen her attitude towards our interventions overseas. I’ve seen her involvement in the military industrial complex, $8 million being paid to become part of the team.” 2
Senator Paul went on to claim that Haley was a warmonger due to her support of funding the Ukranian War rather than finding a peaceful solution. Paul accused Haley of being a part of the "Dick Cheney, John McCain wing of the party."3
To further illustrate Haley's vision for America, Senator Paul went on to talk about Haley wanting the public to register to use the Internet. That would allow the government to decide who gets to post in the Public Square. Here is the quote from Senator Paul.
Paul’s announcement continued, “I’ve also seen her indicate that she thinks you should be registered to use the internet…I think she fails to understand that our Republic was founded upon people like Ben Franklin, Sam Adams, Madison, John Jay, and others who posted routinely, for fear of the government. They posted routinely anonymously. And I think her failure to really understand that or to think that you should register through the government somehow for the internet is something that should disqualify her in the minds of all libertarian-leaning conservatives.”3
When we look at Nikki Haley's talking points, we wonder what the donors have in common with Haley. There are lots more mega-doners but you can look them up yourself if you want to know who they are.
Home Depot co-founder Ken Langone. Langone surmises the Trump's time has com and gone. Haley will get "a nice sum of money" in support of her effort. recently described Haley to CNBC as the only GOP candidate who has a chance at beating Trump 4
Billionaire LinkedIn co-founder and Democratic donor Reid Hoffman gave $250,000 to support former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s GOP presidential primary campaign (NOTE: Democratic donor)
New Hampshire billionaire Frank Laukien 5
Charles Koch-backed super PAC Americans for Prosperity Action (which reportedly raised $70 million in the first half of the year, including $25 million from billionaire Koch and his nonprofit groups) endorsed Haley, citing internal polling that shows she has the best chance at defeating President Joe Biden in a general election and announcing plans to launch an “extensive” pro-Haley ad blitz and field operation. 6
Citadel hedge fund founder Ken Griffin 7
Billionaire investor and philanthropist Stanley Druckenmiller urged Republicans to put their weight behind Haley shortly after Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) dropped out of the race last month, telling the Associated Press he is “hoping the field clears and it’s Nikki Haley one-on-one with the former president.” 8
New York hedge fund manager Paul Singer 9
Stanley Druckenmiller 9
Miriam Adelson and her late husband, casino mogul Sheldon Adelson 9
New Jersey health executive Vivek Garipalli and his mother, Lakshmi Garipalli, who gave half a million dollars each 10
1. Unmuzzled Staff, BRUTAL TAKEDOWN: Nikki Haley is seething after GOP Senator's launch announcement, Unmuzzled News, January 16, 2024, https://unmuzzlednews.com/brutal-takedown-nikki-haley-is-seething-after-gop-senators-launch-announcement/
2. ibid
3. Ibid
4. The Hill Staff, Billionaire Haley donor waiting for New Hampshire results to give ‘major gift’, The Hill, January 18, 2024, https://news.yahoo.com/billionaire-haley-donor-waiting-hampshire-172554978.html?fr=yhssrp_catchall&guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9zZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tL3locy9zZWFyY2g_aHNwYXJ0PWFpcmZpbmQmaHNpbXA9eWhzLXNlYXJjaHRvb2wmcD13aG8rYXJlK3RoZStkb25lcnMrZm9yK25pa2tpK0hhbGV5JTNGJmdyZD0x&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADgclsy0QnIeWuS_uOH0yfvGQZxmEDjSFfCCI3PR_5HDG_ja1HPm-NZNs3mEtL5X5gbGevaBumOtmiwyDWTWJH1YlbOEtj25W_iP_g9riBho8nPDItArCHkn2X3tCykJ1h421XwM3yxdw5VJ37K3ZWilQxOOqS7In7S1aAl-uH-t
5. Ibid
6. Ibid
7. Ibid
8. Ibid
9. Isensredatm, Alex, Document reveals the identity of donors who secretly funded Nikki Haley’s political nonprofit, Politico, August 26, 2022, https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/26/donors-secretly-funded-nikki-haleys-nonprofit-00053963
10. Anthony, Katie, Previously unpublished list shows who secretly donated to Nikki Haley's nonprofit — giving clues as to who might fund a possible 2024 presidential bid and a clash with Trump, Business Insider, August 26, 2022, https://www.businessinsider.com/secret-list-donors-nikki-haleys-nonprofit-who-might-support-2024-2022-8