Sometimes I wonder if the US Government will resort to military action against its citizens to force the populace to comply with their new laws and Presidential Executive Orders. I know this sounds weird and ridiculous, but what if?
Let’s say the citizens of the red states refuse to pay their federal taxes. What would the Government do if conservative citizens marched on Washington but were armed this time and wanted some real change?
Please remember the Federal Government Though Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birks, and others, made some devastating suggestions that became terrible restrictions on business, education, healthcare, and personal privacy.
FDR put the Japanese Americans in camps after the Pearl Harbor Bombing. George Washington took up arms against the moonshiners in the Whisky Rebellion. Do not forget January 6. How did the Government treat its citizens?
The Kent State shootings (also known as the May 4 massacre and the Kent State massacre resulted in the killing of four and wounding of nine unarmed college students by the Ohio National Guard on the Kent State University campus. The shootings took place on May 4, 1970, during a peace rally opposing the expanding involvement of the Vietnam War into Cambodia by the United States military forces as well as protesting the National Guard presence on campus.[1]

“It is an ugly period in history and the players were then President Herbert Hoover, U.S. Attorney General William D. Mitchell, and senior Army officers Douglas MacArthur, Dwight Eisenhower and George Patton. When later discussing the military operation against U.S. World War One Vets at the U.S. capitol, Major Dwight D. Eisenhower, later President of the United States, it was "wrong for the Army's highest-ranking officer to lead an action against fellow American war veterans".
"I told that dumb son-of-a-bitch not to go down there," Dwight D. Eisenhower would later say of General Douglas MacArthur's decision to launch a deadly attack on protesting U.S. World War One Veterans and their families.”[2]
The siege of the Branch Davidians. "The fire and the reaction to the final attack within the group resulted in the deaths of 76 Branch Davidians, including 25 children, two pregnant women, and David Koresh. In total, the 51-day siege resulted in the deaths of four federal agents and 82 Branch Davidians, 28 of whom were children."[1] “Ruby Ridge was the location of a violent 11-day standoff in remote Boundary County, Idaho, beginning on August 21, 1992. U.S. Marshals and federal agents faced off against Randy Weaver, his wife and five children and his friend Kevin Harris.[3]
The Ruby Ridge incident was the culmination of years of investigation into Randy Weaver by local authorities, the FBI, the ATF and the Secret Service. It ended with the shooting deaths of a U.S. marshal, Weaver’s wife Vicki and their teenage son Samuel (Sammy).”[4]
I have illustrated that the Government can and will take up arms against U.S. citizens. Let’s now have a look at an interesting view of what could happen if things go south for Americans. I found this opinion on Quora. See what you think about Thomas Offill's claims.
"How do gun owners pretend that they can defend themselves against a tyrannical government, yet the government has tanks and drones?"
Thomas Offill
"US Marine Veteran and legal gun owner living in Kalifornika Mar 8, 2023
Listen Grasshopper, those American tanks and drones required people to operate them, and those people are citizens just like you and me. Even if you could convince a few radical troops to fire on their own citizens, you will run out of armament fairly soon going after these obstacles:
· There are 334,233,854 American citizens.
· This population has an estimated 393,000,000 guns.
· These weapons are in the hands of the 40% of adults who own gun(s) or live with someone who does.
· It can’t be accurately calculated how many rounds of firearms ammo American citizens own. But popular consensus is that it far exceeds what the military possesses.
· Finally, we don’t have to pretend at all since we already did it. We kicked butt on the most powerful military of the time and without doubt the most unbeatable Naval armada to back them up. It was right around 1791 the British surrendered to the US Colonies. It was called the American Revolution, and if you think our tiny Militia was a pathetic offering back then, try to imagine the scope and size of the American Militia today if needed.

I’ll place my bet on the American homeland citizens and their Militia any day".[5]
What is Quara? See footnote [6]
If you like Thomas Offill's comments, please visit his blog on Quora. Click on footnote #3.
Some responses to Ofill's answer to the question.
Neil Tanner · Mar 8 Prolly a million Canadians would head south to form a nasty pincer movement on Washington just to support our American brothers. We don’t like totalitarian despots, either. 176 Reply Mike Grossberg · Mar 9 Why is Trudeau still in office? 58 Reply Jason Carpenter Why is Biden? (still in office) Kevin Casserly · Mar 13 The best comment I've heard on Quora in a while…..warmed my heart….now I have to form an American unit of patriots to March north to help defend against Trudeau….my Irish American ancestors, the Fenians, once marched on Ontario 34 Reply Joe Wilkinson · Mar 8 Almost 400 million firearms and a trillion rounds of ammunition. Imagine a guerilla movement with 100 million armed guerillas. Just think about it. It is ineffective to pit tanks against a single insurgent here and there. Or F-22s. Think Afghanistan. Iraq. And we are far better armed than was the Taliban in 2002. 79 Reply George Alicea · Mar 15 Not to mention. You are fighting for your neighborhood, which you know inside out, so you got that & also, people that are forced to fight become ingenuous & create all sorts of unconventional weapons. 55 Reply Joe Wilkinson Having worked in prisons for 25 years. I have witnessed just that. People can be very ingenious. It also shows me that no matter how effective you are at disarming people, there are some people who will find a way to kill. Those who want to murder will do John Doe · Mar 8 Or even just 9 million of them. You'd get a very bloody war very fast. 45 Reply George Alicea I'd hope it never ever comes to this, but the commies in power better think twice about their cancerous activities. People are getting tired of this gun control bullshit. They know that the only way you can actually stop crime is by putting a slug , at the appropriate time, into a bad guy's head. This is real gun control & crime control. Not to mention all the tax money you save by getting rid of the trash and using the funds for better purposes David Sandbrook · Mar 9 You do not have to defeat the government. You win if you make their victory so costly they give up and quit. 23 Reply Carl Armstrong Jr. · Mar 10 Also, in this case, their tax base is you, and the source of all their weapons, ammunition, food, fuel, etc., is next door to you… 16 Reply Joey the Icepick · Mar 12 Yeah, that only works in faraway wars of choice. The U.S. government spent 20 years dumping blood and treasure into a useless, landlocked desert shit-hole that held no strategic or economic value. And we did that just to avoid the political embarrassment that a withdrawal was always going to be. Do you suppose that the U.S. Government will show LESS determination than that to maintain control of the Continental United States? 2 Reply [1] Kent State shootings, Wikipedia, [2] The Day the U.S., Army Attacked WW1 Veterans & their Kids,, November 30, 2011,
[3] Waco siege, Wikipedia,
[4] Ruby Ridge. By Editors, August 21 2018, [5] How do gun owners pretend that they can defend themselves against a tyrannical government, yet the government has tanks and drones? Quara, March 8, 2023,
[6] Quora A question-and-answer network for everyone that has a focus on user-generated. Users can ask questions or request answers to any specific top, from Animal Welfare to Zumba. Interesting for users that want to educate themselves or want to establish similar-minded connections. (There are some dumb questions asked here.) Most answers are pretty good.

Abe, met you at the last June 2023 Republican meeting at Hardware Pizza. Thanks for allowing me to sit in on the meeting, although I am not a "paying" member, but I always vote Republican because there is no other choice and have contributed in the past. I have a comment about our Government's overreach in the form of a two tier justice system. Just today I read that Hunter Biden got a DOJ plea deal on violation of income tax and gun laws. Of course if we, just common citizens, faced these charges, we would end up in a federal pen. The Biden people are evil, corrupt fascists and mean to gain and hold power any way they can.