Our goal is to protect the nation’s financial infrastructure and maintain a safe environment for the American people to conduct financial transactions. Our mission is to investigate complex cyber-enabled financial crimes. The mission of the Secret Service

The finding of the bag of cocaine in the White House and the subsequent dismissal of the investigation has caused me to research what the Secret Service does. More important, why did they cancel the investigation and destroy the evidence? Before we move on, let's see what the Secret Service does.
The Secret Service was created in 1865 to stamp out rampant counterfeiting in order to stabilize our currency. The Service came under the supervision of the Treasury Department.

In the Director's message, Kimberly A. Cheatle enumerates the strategic plan for the Secret Service. "Our FY 2023-2027 Strategy is focused on achieving excellence through talent, technology, and diversity. We have a critical mission to protect our nation’s leaders and financial infrastructure."1
Most of us know the Secret Service protects the president, vice president, and their families.

The Service also protects presidential and vice presidential candidates, nominees, and foreign heads of state. It is mandatory that the Secret Service protect the President and Vice President of the United States. All other persons may decline to be protected.
During the Bill Clinton Presidency, President Clinton opted for private security in the White House but had to go with the U.S. Secret Service when he left the White House. There is a story here but perhaps for another time. If you want more information, check here.2
The type of protection is more than physical protection. Threats from airspace, cyber systems, and chemical and biological weapons are also guarded against.
The protection of an individual is comprehensive and goes well beyond surrounding the individual with well-armed agents. As part of our mission of preventing an incident before it occurs, we rely on meticulous advance work and threat assessments to identify potential risks to protectees.3
Now let's look at the Investigations page on the Secret Service Web site.4
On this page, you will read about how the Secret Service is capable and has the expertise to investigate and glean information from evidence and clues in a manner comparable to the FBI. You may infer that the Secret Service is even better than the FBI in some instances.

We come now to the cocaine found at the White House. The official story changed three times. The bag was found in the family part of the White House. Then it was found in the library, and finally, it was found in a room near the Situation Room. This room has cubby holes for visitors to leave their phones before they enter the Situation Room. The door to the cubby is locked, and the visitor keeps the key until he or she leaves the area. We learned that everyone is searched. Some even say that pockets are turned out to make certain they do not have anything that can cause danger to all who pass through. We also learned there are cameras everywhere. One more interesting fact is that the President, Vice President, and close family members do not get searched. When I heard that on television, my alarm bells went off. Who could there be in the White House that has known associations with cocaine? It was easy to jump to conclusions, but we needed to hear some more evidence before making a damaging accusation. After all, we live in a country where you are innocent until proven guilty. I listened to Dan Bongino's Podcast. Bongino pulled no punches.
'Zero Chance Anyone Other Than a Family Member Brought That Cocaine Inside the White House': Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino'

Various scenarios began to form in my mind. Was this Hunter Biden's Cocaine? Who else would be so brazen to bring cocaine into the White House and to an area that is guarded and surveilled so heavily? Was this a drop for Hunter so he could retrieve the cocaine when it was safe? The possibilities were many that this was a safe place for Hunter's cocaine. This is just my rambling mind. It was best to wait for the Secret Service to make their report.
The next step, in this case, is the briefing by the Secret Service. Talk about "Shock and Awe!" The Secret Service found no fingerprints, no DNA, and they destroyed the evidence!
Ladies and gentlemen, I was at a loss for words. Even the most primitive law enforcement in any backwoods jurisdiction would not have destroyed the evidence...unless tremendous pressure was exerted from very powerful people. I can not believe there was nothing there. Not a latent print, some dried sweat, some DNA; come on, Man!
I watched a video of House Foreign Affairs Committee member Representative Tim Burchett (R-TN) on Newsmax with Chris Salcedo. Burchett blew the lid off the case. I tried to put the video on this blog, but I am not that good at it. You can read the transcript here.
GOP Rep Has Startling Claim About What Secret Service Did With White House Cocaine Bag
By Samantha Chang, Western Journal July 19, 2023 at 10:42am

Republican Rep. Tim Burchett of Tennessee blasted the Secret Service for rushing to close its investigation into the origins of the cocaine found in the White House over Fourth of July weekend and suggested the service had “destroyed the bag.”
“[The Secret Service] said originally, ‘We didn’t find enough DNA … And they went back and said, ‘We didn’t find any DNA,'” Burchett said Monday on Newsmax’s “The Chris Salcedo Show.”
“Apparently, they destroyed the bag and any chance of getting any DNA … What the hell? Did they destroy the DNA? Did they have DNA? Why did they destroy it?”
The congressman — whose resume includes a stint as mayor of Knox County, Tennessee, from 2010 to 2018 — said if a similar situation had occurred during his mayorship, the police would have investigated the site of the cocaine discovery in hazmat suits, sealed the drugs in an evidence bag and immediately sent it to a lab for DNA analysis.
“I was Knox County mayor,” Burchett said. “If we found an unknown substance somewhere, we’d call on law enforcement, our sheriff’s department — the best in the country — and our police department, one of the best in the country. They’d have come in with hazmat suits. They’d put it in a bag and take it to a lab.”
He underscored: “That’s exactly what [the Secret Service] should have done here. They should have taken it to Quantico and analyzed it. But instead, they destroyed the bag.”
Burchett, a member of the House Oversight Committee, did not explain why he said the bag had been destroyed
On July 13, the Secret Service closed its bizarre investigation into the cocaine bag, which was found near the Situation Room in the West Wing of the White House.
President Joe Biden had gone for the weekend to Camp David to celebrate the holiday with his family, including his son, Hunter Biden. The Biden family left the White House on Friday. The bag was found on Sunday.
It is common knowledge that Hunter Biden has a long, well-documented history of drug addiction.
In its baffling report closing its investigation, the Secret Service claimed it could not find any usable fingerprints or DNA when the cocaine bag was examined at two different federal labs.
Even more shocking, the agency said security video footage from cameras in the White House — one of the most secure buildings in the world — did not show who left the bag there.
“The investigation will not be able to single out a person of interest from the hundreds of individuals who passed through the vestibule where the cocaine was discovered,” the Secret Service said in a statement, according to NBC News.
These supposed security “lapses” are essentially an open invitation to enemies of the United States that the White House is a soft target for an easy presidential assassination.
Last week, Burchett posted a brief video on Twitter in which he torched the botched, frenzied Secret Service investigation as a “cover-up.”
Apparently our SecretService has no clue (or wont tell) who brought cocaine into the WhiteHouse and is giving up. pic.twitter.com/XIgEdSMNxE
The congressman also rebuked some Republicans who appear to be helping Democrats cover up the Biden administration‘s egregious ineptitude and corruption.
“We have some [GOP] members that don’t have any guts, frankly, and it ticks me off,” Burchett told Newsmax.
“[Congress] are the government’s checkbook, and we need to start cutting money to these groups: the IRS, the Pentagon, Department of Justice. When they do wrong, we need to start clipping their wings. And they’re doing wrong.”
Cutting off funds to the agencies involved in the "cover-up" could be defunded, as the congressman states, but that is just a half measure. That will not cure the root of the problem. Our government is corrupt, and that includes all the three letter agencies. The Biden Administration is forcing the rank-and-file government operatives and agents to lie, obfuscate, and fool Americans into thinking there is nothing wrong here.
Our Secret Service agents and the other law enforcement agencies want to do the right thing; they want to uphold the Constitution and stand by their oath to it.
When will the House of Representatives move to impeach the heads of these agencies? Even if the Senate does not convict, we need to get their crimes out in the open so the voters will know who is causing the unrest and crimes in our government.
We have lost confidence in not only the FBI, The Department of Justice, The CIA, The Department of Homeland Security, and The Executive Branch, but now the Secret Service has sunk to its dismal bottom.
1 United States Secret Service, An official website of the United States government
2 Byrne, Gary, Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience With Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate
3 United States Secret Service, An official website of the United States government, https://www.secretservice.gov/protection/leaders
4 United States Secret Service, An official website of the United States government, Investigations, https://www.secretservice.gov/investigation/forensic
5 Schwartz, Ian, "GOP Congressman: White House Destroyed Cocaine And DNA Evidence, "A Complete Joke And A Nightmare" Real Clear Politics, July 18, 2023, https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2023/07/18/gop_congressman_white_house_destroyed_cocaine_and_dna_evidence_a_completely_joke_and_a_nightmare.html