What is on the mind of Voters?
Polls do not get my attention often, but they can help form your opinion if you know the participants and trust the polling company. I have posted a poll below, and we can get some idea of what voters care about. This poll will be available end of May 2023.
If we can believe this poll, and it looks authentic, the political parties are virtually represented equally. The same goes for age groups and genders. Now we can glean some information and compare what the voters think is important and worth fixing.
As expected, inflation is the top concern for GOP, Dems, and Independents. I have a blog on

inflation. Be sure to check it out. Crime and Public Safety is high on the list. Farther down, you will see that voters are very concerned about The high cost of groceries, gas, diesel fuel, the federal debt, and housing. Poll number 8, crime, and number 9, national elections, should be very alarming to us as concerned Americans.
These are the issues that we need to bring to our elected officials. Our legislators will do what they think is best if we do nothing. That is how you get the Omnibus Spending Bills and Inflation Reduction Acts. This type of legislation is packed with pork, increasing inflation instead of reducing it. Do we need to fund studies on the sex life of asexual worms? How about determining if wooden or aluminum shafts are best for arrows? Have you heard about the cat on a treadmill study? Legislators toss these studies into bills to please their donors.
The real issues are ignored and left to government agencies such as the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), ATF (Alchohol, Tobacco, and Firearms), CDC (Center For Disease Control), the Department of Education, Transportation, Bureau of Land Management, and way more agencies. These bureaucrats write the laws, not our elected officials.
The Supreme Court has finally addressed a significant issue with the Dobbs Decision on Abortion. Where are Congress and the President on crime, immigration, social security, and welfare for illegals? I will not call them migrants. They are trespassers who break our laws, looking for a handout. This could be another blog.
The #1 issue in all polling is the economy. Every economist will tell you that inflation is caused by the government spending more money than they take in. Every household, business, government, and individual must live within their means, or the result will be bankruptcy. The country is going downhill fast due to high inflation, leading to a poor economy.
Defunding the police has led to rampant crime and forced the public to defend itself. We see this in the increase in gun and ammunition sales. Even women have armed themselves. Most Americans are concerned about election integrity. What is Washington doing to address these concerns? Not much, you are thinking, and why is that?
As the saying goes, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease." Our legislators are more afraid of BLM (Black Lives Matter), Antifa, Al Sharpton, and the big donors, to name a few. What about us, the voters who put these folks in office? We come in dead last. Why is that?
Most of us just want to be left alone. We want to go to work, come home, be with our families, enjoy our hobbies, or just drink a beer and watch television. The aforementioned activists get paid to agitate. The rest of us just get a paycheck and let someone else do the dirty work. I'm not getting on a soapbox to tell you what to do. However, nothing changes if nothing changes.
