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What are the origins of the Arab-Israeli conflict?


"It has never ceased to astonish me that the Arab states have been so eager to go to war against us. Almost from the beginning of Zionist settlement until today, they have been consumed by hatred for us."

Golda Meir 1

The Oslo Accords
The Oslo Accords

In my opinion, Jews do not want to fight. Generally, Jews do not want to go into military service. I would predict that Jews own fewer guns than the general population. My father never owned a gun, even when the US was in fear of the Japanese invading California during WW11. This does not mean that Jews will not fight. Several of my relatives and friends have served in the military. My military service was as a soldier in occupied Germany from 1954-1955.

Jews have been forced from their homes and businesses as far back as history records it. Long before the European Programs against the Jews, the Jews had to fight to stay alive.

Jews have fought the Romans, the Greeks, the Philistines, the Natzis, terrorists, and many more aggressors that tried to destroy them. Let's not forget the Spanish Inquisition.

I repeat, Jews do not want to fight. They want to live in peace with all their neighbors and do business. There is a saying, "They tried to kill us, they failed, let's eat." This should give you some insight into Jewish thinking. Even though the situation was dire, the bad guys did not win. The last part is shrugging off the seriousness of the threat to do what we all love to do, "let's eat."

The terrorists want to kill all Jews. They want to drive them out of the Middle East and kill all they can. Please don't believe me. Look at the history below. They say "Death to the Jews" all the time.

Israel turned over Gaza to the Palestinians nine years ago. The Israelis left the Palestinians to live as they wished without occupying forces. The Jews left factories that produced flowers and vegetables. They were sold all over the world. The Arabs dismantled the buildings and sold the parts for scrap. Israelis were forced by Ariel Sharon, then Prime Minister of Israel, to leave and move to Israel. I do not know what happened to their houses.

The terrorists accept land with the promise of peace, but the Arabs do not keep their word. There is no peace. Hamas, the elected government in Gaza, has rejected all attempts by the Israelis for peace. We should be aware that Hamas, while being the elected government of Gaza, is also a military arm of Iran.

In order to understand what is going on in the Middle East, we should first investigate some history. In my research, I should have known better, but I looked at the Wikipedia Website to see what they had to say about Arab-Israeli history. I almost barfed at the lies they put out as truth.

A stream of Palestinian refugees on the Lebanon Road on Nov. 4, 1948. The Arab villagers fled from their homes during fighting in Galilee between Israeli and Arab troops. (Jim Pringle/AP)
A stream of Palestinian refugees on the Lebanon Road on Nov. 4, 1948. The Arab villagers fled from their homes during fighting in Galilee between Israeli and Arab troops. (Jim Pringle/AP)

I was a young boy in 1948, and I know from the news on the radio and the newspapers that the Israelis did not force the so-called Palestinians out of their land and homes. The Jews invited them to stay, but most of the residents decided to leave for fear of reprisals from the new Jewish Government. Only 20% of the Palestinians stayed. The arab residents were left alone and allowed to become citizens of Israel. They have more freedom than any other Arab enclave in the Middle East. Eventually, some Palestinians were elected to the Israeli Knesset. Israel became the only democratic government among the thirty-two Middle Eastern nations in the area. Do you think the Arabs allowed a Jew to be in their legislative body?

Scores of bodies were seen under a tent at the Tribe of Nova music festival.
Scores of bodies were seen under a tent at the Tribe of Nova music festival.

If you want to understand what is happening in the world right now, it pays to look back in history to find out what happened before. That history will have clues actual facts that explain why something is happening now. Our schools do not always teach what occurred in the past. That is why we must find out for ourselves what happened. You will find listed in the References a good recounting of Arab-Israeli history. 2 Another OK history of the Arab-Israeli conflict is on the History Channel. 3

The unspeakable horrors that have been unleashed on the people of Isreal will not go unpunished. Unlike terrorist attacks in the past, Hamas will pay a heavy price for this barbarism. Prime Minister Netanyahu has vowed to kill them all. This type of reprisal is seldom heard from heads of state. Netanyahu means it. Israel means it. There should be no mercy on these ghouls.


  1. Zionism a Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, "the Land of Israel"). Though Zionism originated in eastern and central Europe in the latter part of the 19th century, it is in many ways a continuation of the ancient attachment of the Jews and of the Jewish religion to the historical region of Palestine, where one of the hills of ancient Jerusalem was called Zion.

  2. The Editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica, Britannica October 1, 2023,

  3. Westfall, Sammy, Murphy, Brian, Taylor, Adam, Pietsch, Bryan, and Salcedo, The Israeli-Palestinian conflict: A chronology, Israel-Gaza War, The Washington Post, October 11, 2023,

  4. Editors, History, Israel, June 30, 2017,



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Meet your blogger editor, Abe Glaser. My objective with this blog is to point out some facts that the Main Stream Media leaves out, clear up some misconceptions, and provide some food for thought. You get to decide.


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