"The Hammer is the key to the coup." - Admiral James (Ace) Lyons - 1927-2018

After I wrote the previous blog on Main-in Ballots, a friend sent me this article that is related to election shenanigans.
This article has come to my attention. We all watched the election results in 2020, and we were stunned that they shut down the counting of ballots around 11:00 PM. I remember thinking this is strange. This has never happened before in all the years I have been watching election results. We were told there was a water main break, I think, in Fulton County. The news said, "They had to shut down the counting room because of the flooded room." This turned out to be a lie. There was no water main break, and there was no flood.
I remember thinking, Is this going to be election fraud? Why are they shutting down the ballot counting all over the country? Some states were almost finished counting. Trump was ahead and most likely would not be caught.
When we woke up the next morning, Joe Biden was ahead of Donald Trump! How could this be possible? There was no way Biden could have pulled ahead...unless there was cheating. What about the voting machines? Was there ballot stuffing? This is a nasty mess that needs to see the light of day.
Please read the article below by Ray DiLorenzo and see if you agree or disagree. Send me your thoughts to abeglaser@gmail.com.
The Key to The Coup
Admiral Lyons, on his death bed two days prior to his death, told Lt. General Thomas McInerney (Ret): "The Hammer is the key to the coup."

The coup was the takeover of our government, a coup d'état, by fraud and deceit on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2021.
I've had the honor of being the co-author of a book that reveals the truth about the 2020 election—Invisible Treason in America. Along with retired Lt. General Thomas McInerney, retired Maj. General Paul Vallely, and Mary Fanning * we give an account of the political operation that denied our country an honest election and a second Trump presidential term.
Whether you agree with Trump or not, whether you are a Republican or not, this concerns every American who is appalled at the scheme that turned our nation almost

overnight into a banana republic. This course of action by the Democrat Party will alter the lives of all Americans and those of our children for decades to come. And it will be the political crime of the century, if not for all time. After 9/11, the government decided it needed a new powerful surveillance tool to spy on or scrutinize our enemies. In 2003 comes the Hammer, a surveillance supercomputer. Since it was initially a tool of the CIA, it was tasked with only foreign intelligence collection and was prohibited from spying on or surveilling Americans or conducting domestic operations.

These last twenty-plus years have seen government and politics weaponized to realize outcomes, not to satisfy our country's needs but to attain the goals of foreign and domestic enemies. It is called The New World Order. These goals are to diminish our security and our sovereignty, to no longer be the world's most powerful nation but just a cog in a giant wheel. The Democrat Party and our very own RINOS have decided to, or been bought and paid to, cooperate with these international criminals. As reported by Mary Fanning of The American Report, in 2009, The Hammer, along with its software, SCORECARD, was commandeered and moved to Fort Washington, Maryland, to begin spying on Barack Obama's enemies and affect elections. The Americans that were surveilled were not criminals or suspected of being such, but were Obama's political opposition. The operatives were John Brennan, Obama's Homeland Security Advisor, later to become CIA Director in 2013, James Clapper, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, later to become Director of National Intelligence in 2010, and Barack Obama. They turned The Hammer on the American people.
Now comes Dennis Montgomery, the man who designed and built The Hammer

Supercomputer and turned whistleblower. According to Montgomery, Obama, Clapper, and Brennan were not only spying on Trump (Trump accused Obama of spying on his campaign numerous times), but they were also spying on US Supreme Court Justices, Article III judges (life term), Senators, military personnel, business leaders, and other high-profile Americans. All requirements for search warrants were ignored. Montgomery characterized it as a blackmail and leverage operation.
Fact-checkers have all been wrong about almost all aspects of the 2020 election. They have an agenda, and it is not about the truth. On March 7, 2017, Wikileaks dumped CIA Vault 7, publicly confirming the existence of The Hammer (HAMR).
Now comes the juicy part. On election night, 2020, five battleground states were doing well for President Trump. Pennsylvania was 41.8% for Biden, and 57% for Trump, with 64% of the vote counted. Michigan was 44.4% Biden, with Trump at 54%, with 59% of the vote counted. Georgia had 45.6% Biden and 54.1% Trump, with 83% of the vote in. North Carolina had 48.7% Biden and 51.7% Trump, with 94% of the vote in. Wisconsin had 46.8% Biden and 51.7% Trump, with 83% of the vote in. The polls were closed in all states.
If you remember, at around 11 p.m. Eastern, the counting stopped. States like Arizona shut down for 90 minutes. I, along with a dozen friends, were in shock, anticipating something nefarious. Our mindset was correct. When the 'system' awoke, Biden was unexpectedly ahead. Trump's lead totally disappeared days later.
We were told that 'dementia Joe' Biden, who did not campaign, was literally hidden away, and when he did campaign, he managed to maybe get 50 people in attendance, and then, we're told, he won the election with more votes than any candidate in our history. All the while, Trump was speaking in packed arenas with thousands outside.
All involved—Obama, Clapper, Brennan, Biden, the January 6 Committee, and countless others who took part—knowingly committed sedition and treason.
Biden, in a rare moment of lucidity, spelled it out clearly on October 24, 2020:
“We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
This is but a short preview of the contents of 'Invisible Treason in America.' Much is given in the book about Chinese involvement, the manufactured COVID-19 pandemic, and the grave but planned effect on the 2020 election. We also discuss the states with more votes than voters, ID issues, unsigned ballots, non-existent addresses, voting machines, etc. Americans, most Republicans, and many Democrats strongly suspect foul play, want to know the truth, and concur with Archbishop Vigano when he says,
"Dear American people, for two years now [three years], a global coup has been carried out all over the world, planned for some time by an elite group of conspirators enslaved to the interests of international high finance.""Be proud of your identity as American patriots and of the faith that must animate your life. Do not allow anyone to make you feel inferior just because you love your homeland, because you are honest at work, because you want to protect your family and raise your children with healthy values." 1
* Who is May Fanning?
In a Telegram post forwarded via Professor David Clements, an anonymous user asks: "Why is the information regarding Dominion Voting being blocked from the public?"
"As in married to Gregg Kirchhoefer — Partner Technology & IP Transactions Kirkland & Ellis — the law firm that oversaw the acquisition of Dominion Voting for Staple Street Capital.
"Shock anyone to learn Mary was the executive producer of Mike Lindell’s “ABSOLUTE PROOF.”
"Let’s talk about Kirkland & Ellis for a moment - Law Firm; oversaw the acquisition of Dominion Voting Systems; Former Employer of William Barr, that’s right, Attorney General for the USA.
"What did Bill Barr know about Dominion Voting Systems? I mean, he would have all the access to information regarding Dominion to give his client Staple Street Capital advice. What did he take from that to the White House?
"We should ask Mary Fanning (aka - Mary Fanning Kirchhoefer, wife to Gregg Kirchhoefer, a lawyer at Kirkland & Ellis). Did she disclose to Mike Lindell, who paid her as executive director for “Absolute Proof”, of her close ties to Kirkland & Ellis?
"My guess is no. What do you think?"
Attorney Lin Wood said in a Telegram post that he believes Lindell may have been "played" by the Deep State.
Please send your comments to abeglaser@gmail.com
1. DiLorenzo, Ray, The Key to The Coup, American Free News Network, Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.,
2. For more references to this article, go to these other social media venues:
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3. Free Press International News Service, Dominion update: Why the silence? Who is Mary Fanning?, Free Pressers, Writers of the world ignite-, February 15, 2022, https://freepressers.com/articles/dominion-update-why-the-silence-who-is-mary-fanning