"We are a generation that settles the land, and without the steel helmet and the cannon's fire we will not be able to plant a tree and build a home.” - Moshe Dayan 1956 at a funeral honoring a settler killed in a kibbutz near the Gaza Strip.

In a recent debate between Robert F. Kennedy and Krystal Ball during the filming of “Breaking Points,” Kennedy highlighted Israel's side and Ball supported the Palestinians. 1

I was listening to either Mike Gallagher's or Eric Ericson's show on the radio when the host played this clip of the interview with Kennedy by Krystal Ball. After some back and forth RFK asserted that the Palestinians accepted leadership by Hamas because they, Hamas, opposed any negotiation to a two-state solution. Ball objected. She could not let that statement stand and said, “It’s just not true.” 2
RFK then pointed to Hamas official Ghazi Hamad statements made in an interview.
“The existence of Israel is illogical,” Hamad said.
“The existence of Israel is what causes all that pain, blood, and tears. It is Israel, not us. We are the victims of the occupation. Period.”
“Therefore, nobody should blame us for the things we do. On October 7, October 10, October 1,000,000 – everything we do is justified.” 3
Unfortunately, Ghazi Hamad did not list his source for his claim that the existence of Israel is illogical. That is his opinion and without some evidence, it remains just an opinion and not a fact. Building on this dubious opinion Hamad claims "everything we do is justified."
In a world adhering to mores, customs, laws, and culture. rape, murder, butchery, and torture have no place in any society. No country would deny you the right to be free if you are enslaved. However, Hamas has become a pariah and needs to be irradicated. Forgive me, that is my opinion so let's find some proof.
Ball claimed the Palestinians were starving for a long time and Kennedy asked why do you blame Israel? Kennedy offered this:

“First of all, Israel has no obligation. Israel built 3,000 houses and gave them for greenhouses. That would have made Gaza completely food self-sufficient, gave it to them as a gift.”
“Offered to rebuild the port of Gaza to make it the Singapore of the West. Hamas said, ‘No, we don’t want you’re money. We don’t want you’re ideas.” 4
You may recall that the Palestinians dismantled the greenhouses and sold the parts for scrap. So much for taking the baton and running with it. Hamas does not want the Palestinians to better themselves. Hamas wants to keep these people in poverty so using the greenhouses to acquire wealth for the poor Palestinian People would not be helpful to the leaders of Hamas.
RFK went on with this accounting of how much money has been given to the Palestinians.
“And what did they do? The international aid agencies have given Hamas, have given Gaza more than 10 times per capita what we gave to rebuild all of Europe after the Marshall Plan,” he added.
“They’ve gotten $8,300 per capita, every person in Gaza. We
rebuilt Europe with $621 per capita in Europe, and we rebuilt it.”

“What did they do with that money? Instead of using it to make this, you know, Gaza this beautiful country with white sand beaches. It should be a paradise.”
“Hamas said, ‘we don’t want that.’ They take virtually all the money and they steal it. So the top five, the top five leaders of Hamas are billionaires. Ismail Haniyeh has $5 billion, according to Forbes.” 5
These numbers are astounding! $8,300 per capita for the people of Gaza! Where did all that money go? Kennedy claims the money has gone to the top five leaders of Hamas. Please note, that RFK cites Forbes for his information. Kennedy does not try to fool us with sources say...as many in the news do.

Ball continued to blame Israel for the Plight of the Palestinians by claiming Israel controls everything. Kennedy came back with the fact that the US and Israel had spent money on the Iron Dome to stop the 2000 incoming rockets per year sent into Israel by Hamas. Kennedy urged Ball to look to Hamas as the villain and not Israel.
1. Andrews, Jordan, RFK Jr: ‘It’s Not Israel’s Fault That Gaza Is Poverty Stricken’, State of the Union, December 22, 2023, https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/rfk-jr-it-s-not-israel-s-fault-that-gaza-is-poverty-stricken/ar-AA1lUSpj
2. Ibid
3. Ibid
4. Ibid
5. Ibid