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Is This the End of the ATF?


“If this agency cannot uphold its duty to serve the people within the framework of the Constitution, it has no place in our government,” - Representative Eric Burlison of Missouri

There is a lot of news swirling aound at this time but I have come upon a bit of news that has my undivided attention. Gun owners in America have been pushed around since 1934 when the National Firearms Act was enacted. We have gone from a "Nation of Riflemen" to a "Nation of Opressed Gun Owners!"

Have we forgottern Ruby Ridge, Waco, the Branch Dividians, The selling of guns to the Cartels, Fast and Furious, Obama's and Eric Holder's fiasco? I hope not.

Law abiding gun owners have been subjected to the harsh edicts of the ATF and finally somebody is trying to do something to bring some sanity to this miscarrige of justice. I think we have enough laws on the books in local, state and federal jurisditions to root out, find and punish law breakers. If you commit a crime using a gun, you will be burried in offences that can incarcerate the purpetrator as long as life. That is, if the D.A in the jursdiction will prosecute.

Why do we need the ATF to haras and terroize American citixzens? I am certain the FBI is capable of determining who done it. We do not need restrictions placed on law abiding citizens who own guns. Government fears the wrath of the people if the government gets way out of line. Even though the feds have far surperior firepower, there are 3.5 million gun owners in America. That is a lot more than the Army, Navy, and Marines put together.

Some you are worrying that now the crimials will have access to more guns. Not so fast you worry worts. Our goverenments at all levels have laws in place to make it hard for criminals to get guns. Always remember that criminals do not obay laws. Hence the monicker, criminals. If you are a felon you can not buy a gun from a gun dealer. This includes dealers in brick and morter stores, online, and at gun shows. The buyer must always go threough a dealer in his or her home state in order to aquire a gun. Criminals do not and can not buy from federally licened gun dealers. Criminals get their guns from the black market or they steal them from cars, homes or from relatives and friends.

The role to ATF is aimed at law abiding gun owners. ATF makes rules that coerce gun owners to buy less guns and ammunition than before the ATF ruling was in place. Defy these rules and get caught; go to jail and spend a lot of money on lawyers to get out, maybe.

Listed below you will find the article by Michael Schwartz from the Western Journal.

Congress Looking at Huge Change to Machine-Gun Law - Gun-Grabbers' Worst Nightmare

 By Michael Schwarz  January 8, 2025 at 2:18pm

M-60 Full Auto Machine Gun
M-60 Full Auto Machine Gun

When federal officials take action of any kind, questions about the relative wisdom of said action should come second.

Indeed, a more fundamental question precedes it: Namely, where did the federal government get the power in the first place?

On Tuesday, according to The Washington Times, Republican Reps. Eric Burlison of Missouri and Lauren Boebert of Colorado introduced legislation that would abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and the Times also reported that Burlison will introduce legislation that would repeal the 1934 National Firearms Act, which, though much amended, served as the basis for a 1986 federal ban on the possession of most machine guns by private citizens.

“If this agency cannot uphold its duty to serve the people within the framework of the Constitution, it has no place in our government,” Burlison said of the ATF.

Boebert agreed, saying that she cannot “imagine under any circumstance or administration where the ATF serves as an ally to the Second Amendment and law-abiding firearm owners across America,” and that in that case, the “ATF should be abolished before they eventually abolish our Second Amendment.”

Meanwhile, on the social media platform X Wednesday, Burlison amplified his case for abolishing the ATF.

The notorious agency, he said, “uses its unelected deep state power to go after law-abiding citizens.”Likewise, a clip posted to X on Monday featured highlights from one of Boebert’s speeches on the ATF in the last Congress.

“We don’t trust the ATF because of their overreaching actions,” she said.

The lawmakers’ Abolish the ATF Act got more attention on X than Burlison’s proposed repeal of the NFA.


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The reverse, however, might have been more appropriate.

In 1934, the NFA imposed a $200 tax on the making and transfer of certain firearms, including machine guns. The NFA also added registration requirements deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1968.

Nonetheless, thanks in part to subsequent legislation, including the 1968 Gun Control Act, the NFA survived.

Then, in the Orwellian-sounding Firearms Owners’ Protection Act of 1986, Congress prohibited the possession of nearly all machine guns. That prohibition, of course, did not apply to agents of the federal government, including federal law enforcement.

In short, one wonders if the GOP-controlled Congress would have the courage to repeal the NFA. After all, FOPA’s machine-gun ban amounted to an amendment of the GCA. (Gun Control Act)

Thus, repealing the 1934 law would remove the statutory foundation for subsequent federal gun-control legislation.

The Second Amendment, of course, requires that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

As it stands, however, the federal government holds a near-monopoly on the threat of lethal violence.

How did it acquire that monopoly? And should it remain in place?

Whether or not congressional Republicans repeal the NFA — the ATF seems far more likely to go, and good riddance to it if it does — the question of where the federal government derives the authority behind its machine-gun monopoly deserves serious consideration. 1

What are the state laws and regulations governing the ownership of fully automatic weapons?

The following is a list of state laws and regulations that may apply to the ownership of fully automatic weapons:

  • California: Fully automatic weapons are prohibited in California.

  • Colorado: Fully automatic weapons are legal in Colorado, but they must be registered with the state.

  • Connecticut: Fully automatic weapons are prohibited in Connecticut.

  • Delaware: Fully automatic weapons are legal in Delaware, but they must be registered with the state.

  • Florida: Fully automatic weapons are legal in Florida, but they must be registered with the state.

  • Georgia: Fully automatic weapons are legal in Georgia, but they must be registered with the state.

  • Hawaii: Fully automatic weapons are prohibited in Hawaii.

  • Idaho: Fully automatic weapons are legal in Idaho, but they must be registered with the state.

  • Illinois: Fully automatic weapons are prohibited in Illinois.

  • Indiana: Fully automatic weapons are legal in Indiana, but they must be registered with the state.

  • Iowa: Fully automatic weapons are legal in Iowa, but they must be registered with the state.

  • Kansas: Fully automatic weapons are legal in Kansas, but they must be registered with the state.

  • Kentucky: Fully automatic weapons are legal in Kentucky, but they must be registered with the state.

  • Louisiana: Fully automatic weapons are legal in Louisiana, but they must be registered with the state.

  • Maine: Fully automatic weapons are legal in Maine, but they must be registered with the state.

  • Maryland: Fully automatic weapons are prohibited in Maryland.

  • Massachusetts: Fully automatic weapons are prohibited in Massachusetts.

  • Michigan: Fully automatic weapons are legal in Michigan, but they must be registered with the state.

  • Minnesota: Fully automatic weapons are legal in Minnesota, but they must be registered with the state.

  • Mississippi: Fully automatic weapons are legal in Mississippi, but they must be registered with the state.

  • Missouri: Fully 2.


1. Schwartz, Michael, Congress Looking at Huge Change to Machine-Gun Law - Gun-Grabbers' Worst Nightmare, Commentary, The Western Journal, Equiping Readers With the Truth, January 8, 2025,

2. Buffalo Rifles Blog, How to Legally Own a Full-Auto Gun in the United States, Buffalo Rifles,



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Meet your blogger editor, Abe Glaser. My objective with this blog is to point out some facts that the Main Stream Media leaves out, clear up some misconceptions, and provide some food for thought. You get to decide.


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