"On every metric of Biden’s green energy agenda. It is in complete collapse." - Mark Morano
I am a great believer in not putting the cart before the horse. Although it seems like Biden and Ocasio-Cortez are losing ground, don't negate the possibility that the Republicans may snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. The Republicans have done it before, and God help us if they try to save this mess.
This is a transcript of a discussion between Jesse Watters and Marc Morano, whose passion is to debunk Climate Change. We have heard bits and pieces of this battle but read how the climate experts want to take our taxes and send them to all the emerging countries. China is one of them.

Jesse Watters: Primetime has just scored another big victory. The whales have received the

stay of execution, along with my beach views. We’ve been telling you for months that Biden’s offshore wind projects are destroying the Jersey Shore. But just yesterday, the Danish Windmill company pulled the plug on two massive projects off the Jersey coast. The company’s admitting Bidenomics doesn’t work. Despite billions and giveaways, the windmills still won’t work. They won’t make money because of high rates of inflation and China. But that’s not all. Offshore wind farms in Massachusetts were just canceled. Offshore wind in Connecticut is collapsing. And offshore wind projects in New York are about to get canceled.
The whole Green New Deal is falling apart right before our very eyes. Biden’s favorite electric bus company Proterra just filed for bankruptcy. It’s what happens when your buses catch on fire. General Motors and Honda just killed their low-price electric car joint venture. Ford just stopped work on their new Michigan electric battery plant. The company is losing $36,000 per Evie per Biden’s handing out $7,000 coupons to buy electric cars, and no one’s buying them. This is what happens when companies make cars for politicians instead of companies making cars for customers. No one even thought to ask the customers if they wanted an electric car.
The smart money is an oil. That’s right. Exxon Mobil and Hess have discovered 11 billion barrels of oil off the coast of South America. It’s the biggest discovery in a decade. It appears we’re going to run out of minerals for batteries before we run out of oil for cars.
Joe Biden tried to run our economy like Joe Stalin. But just like the Soviet Union, the math doesn’t add up. And now billions of dollars are gone. And all we have are cars that never made it off the lot and windmills that never made it out of the warehouse. Now we find no Democrats, and I do. We’re about to witness one of the biggest green bailouts in history. Marc Morano is the Climate Depot publisher and author of the Green Fraud. Did you see this coming?

Morano: I hate to say I told you so. But absolutely. I was working in the US Senate Environment Public Works Committee when Arnold Schwarzenegger was really the first governor to make a splash with climate change in California. He did it in 2006, with the California climate bill, and the Global Warming Solutions Act, and he was praised as a man saving the planet. It was the ultimate virtue signal. Well, guess what? Many other governors, Senators, and countries all wanted in on that virtue signal. So for decades, they kept coming up with the net zero, the solar, the wind mandates, the tax credits, the subsidies, and it was small enough that it didn’t really affect the energy mix, or we weren’t feeling it, obviously enough.
All of this happened, as well as the Inflation Reduction Act last year. Everything is collapsing on its own now. You can no longer virtue signal this nonsense. We had world leaders at the UN summit proclaiming to limit the earth’s temperature to two degrees, all going to 1.5 as though they were playing The Price is Righ spinning a giant dial. (Editor's comment: You know the Inflation Reduction Act did nothing to reduce inflation. In fact, a good chunk of the money went to Ukraine.)
It’s no longer possible, as you just laid out, Jesse, on every metric of Biden’s green energy agenda. It is in complete collapse. And this is the key part despite the massive Inflation Reduction Act –so-called. Despite subsidies, mandates, and tax credits, and I’m talking about not just now but subsidies for many years in the future. And you’re right. We look to Europe to see the future. Germany is already bailing out offshore wind; they’re going to double down and start bailing out. A report came out and said we have to spend 75 trillion on these green energy mandates.
It’s easier to transition your gender than your energy. It’s just not happening. Jesse Watters: Marc, How arrogant you have to be to think you all of a sudden can just build all brand new cars, all brand new energy, put windmills all up and down the coast, put solar panels all over, and just change the entire world economy like that. How arrogant do you have to be?

Morano: As arrogant as every person in history that you study. They always think they’re different. They’re smarter, and they can do it. And in this case, though, I was off with the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, we had a protest on a boat off of Martha’s Vineyard. We had a 1980s RadioShack megaphone, and we had an alliance of fishermen, and we had an alliance of even trans rights activists, and San Francisco liberals, all together. We asked the question: ‘Where are the Volvo driving, save the whale liberals, when you need them? Well, the liberals came out, and now you have 50 mayors in New Jersey opposing the offshore wind.
This is arrogance at its height. You can’t manage an energy economy. Before saving the planet, you need to save the people in it. They forgot that simple rule, and they literally came up with their 5, 10, 20-year plans, and they’re not backing down. This green energy failure is only proof that they haven’t spent enough, or mandated enough. This is a celebration. They’re collapsing; it’s time to celebrate.
Jesse Watters: It is. Pop the bottles people. 1
Waters, Jesse, Green New Deal is Falling Apart, Fox News Channel, November 2, 2023, https://www.climatedepot.com/2023/11/02/watch-morano-on-fox-news-biden-green-energy-is-in-complete-collapse-despite-the-massive-subsidies-mandates-tax-credits-its-easier-to-transition-your-gender-than-your-energy-jess/