"When you`re feeling lost, take heart. It`s just your brain gathering the information it needs to make good decisions." - Josh Kaufman

The result of the 2024 election has left the Democrats in total disarray. We see this in the desperation in Congress and especially in the no-longer-main-stream media. Instead of trying to figure out what just happened, the Democrats are doubling down on their core beliefs that the far-left Loony Tunes have subverted. It wasn't always this way. Here is what the old Democrat Party believed:
It did not take long for the young United States to develop into a two-party democracy, much to the chagrin of some of its founders. And since 1860, those two parties have been the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
The Democratic Party is older, officially founded in 1844 but with origins in President Andrew Jackson's 1824 campaign and roots in — and here's where it gets a little confusing —
Thomas Jefferson's Republican Party, later called the Democratic-Republican Party.
The party's ideology and views on government, business and social issues have changed dramatically over the past 200 years. Here's a look at what today's Democratic Party stands for, plus a little history of how they got here. 1
What do today's Democrats stand for?
Democrats want to create a "land of more freedom" and "more rights" and an economy "where everyone has a fair shot at getting ahead," the party said in its 2024 platform. Other listed goals include protecting communities, tackling the "scourge of gun violence" and the "climate crisis," restor[ing] the "right to choose" reproductive care and "lower[ing] the temperature in our politics" so democracy can thrive.
Overall, the Democrats are the more socially and economically liberal of America's two parties and generally favor enforced rights for racial and ethnic minorities, women, LGBTQ+ people, abortion access, and collective bargaining by workers.

There is ideological diversity in the Democratic Party — its congressional delegate includes the leftist "Squad" and more the moderate-conservative Blue Dog faction. But most Democrats favor government intervention to expand voting access, fight environmental degradation and climate change, and enforce stricter gun laws. Democrats also support progressive taxation, where wealthier people pay a higher share of their income to the federal government.
Today's national Democratic Party cites as key accomplishments the 19th amendment, which gave women the right to vote; President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs, including Social Security, the G.I. Bill and electrifying rural America; President John F. Kennedy's moonshot; the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act of 1964 under President Lyndon B. Johnson; and President Barack Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. Under President Joe Biden, Democrats enacted sizable investments in infrastructure and clean energy. 2.
Several people can take responsibility for what the Democrat Party has become. We can start with Woodrow Wilson. Later we had Franklyn Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson then Barack Obama, and Joe Biden. Some might say it wasn't so much Joe Biden but his staffers or people in the Whitehouse. I leave the blame to others who have more information. We must not forget the Legacy Media. They fooled a few generations of Americans so many can never believe the truth. Some people are so messed up they may never get rid of the Trump Derangement Syndrom.

It is my opinion that our political system is best with two-party rule. It is bad for one party to stay in power with no opposition. Instead of cramming insufferable ideologies down our throats why not do what is best for the people who elected you? Democrats have allowed far left-leaning strategists to force our society to accept new rules and regulations that fly in the face of logic. Donald Trump's approach to government is to use common sense. The theory behind this simple approach is provable. Do you want a qualified physician operating on your brain or would you prefer someone who meets the DEI standard?
Here is a partial list of things the Democrats could do to regain their status as a viable political party:
Change the direction of the Democrat Party to serve the people rather than scheming to stay in power and get rich.
Build a better bench of younger leaders who are capable of leading the Democrats out of the darkness. Leaders that have a clear vision of what the people want and how to get it done.
Stop trying to stifle small businesses with punishing regulations.
Stop pushing legislation that benefits Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, Big Tech, and other gigantic industries.
Allow parents to raise their children as they see fit.
Stop funding foreign wars.
Do not fund and encourage gender change in children.
Stop making laws punishing gun owners. These laws do not work on criminals.
Encourage the expansion of fossil fuels to bring prices down.
Stop forcing the DEI and Woke agenda.
Encourage and fund programs that make merit the standard for excellence.
Cut the National Debt.
Balance the budget.
Stop the government from paying for abortions.
Build up the military and make it merit-based.
Work with Republicans to create bills that can become laws to benefit American Citizens.
I get it that Democrats need an underclass to vote for their policies. Stop it!
Help rid our country of all the illegal alien criminals.
Encourage legal immigration.
Stop sanctuary cities and states.
As I stated earlier, this is a partial list. I'm sure you can add more to make the Democrats viable again. I know this sounds like Republican propaganda. It works for us. Just dress it up to look like you Democrats thought of these policies first. I'm sure the media will help you out.
1. Weber, Peter, What do the Democrats stand for?, The Week, September 30, 2024, https://theweek.com/politics/what-do-the-democrats-stand-for
2. Ibed