We have been hearing about the Trump Dossier, the Special Council Hearings, and the Muller Report for years. Hillary Clinton bought and paid for this compilation of so-called evidence we

know with money taken from the DNC coffers. Far be it for Hillary to pay for something with Clinton's money. The dossier was written by Christopher Steele, a former MI6 agent. The document claims that Russia was feeding critical information to Donald Trump to help get him elected President in 2016.
“Harry Reid spokesman Adam Jentleson tweeted Tuesday that the former Senate Democratic leader had seen the documents before writing a public letter to FBI Director James Comey about Trump's ties to Russia. And CNN reported Tuesday that Arizona Republican John McCain gave a "full copy" of the memos to Comey on Dec. 9, but that the FBI already had copies of many of the memos.”[1]
Interestingly, when Republican Senator McCain heard about the dossier, he dispatched his special operative to fly to London in a private plane to rush the document back to McCain so he could use it to cripple and or destroy Donald Trump by giving the dossier to the New York Times.
I have always wondered what is in this document. You will find the 35-page dossier in the footnotes. Much of the dossier is highlighted, making it easier to find the pertinent parts. The “Golden Showers” incident has always been quoted by the media, and you can find it on page 8. This supposed act of paying prostitutes to pee on a be
d slept in by the Obamas at the Moscow Ritz Carlton seems absurd and childish. Who would believe such nonsense? Apparently, a lot of people do believe it still to this day.
The document names foreign policy advisor Carter Page and campaign manager Paul Manafort as having connections to Russian operatives who fed information about the Democrat campaign and Hillary Clinton in her bid for the White House. On page 6, you will find a key statement about Putin and Trump exchanging information on Hillary Clinton, whom Putin is alleged to hate, while Trump’s team sends intel on Russian oligarchs. There is an allegation that there were Chinese kickbacks to Trump and help from Trump for Putin in Ukraine.

Never once did I think this dossier was the real deal. If Hillary paid for it, you could make book on it that it was all made up, a fake to be sure. I always wanted to know what was in it and how did they get it passed the FISA Judge? The Muller Report claimed it was made up,
and now the Durham Report has agreed. You can read it as well. See the link below to BuzzFeed News.
[1] https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/kenbensinger/these-reports-allege-trump-has-deep-ties-to-russia#.kqkg9DLdV